Welcome Hackers

Physical Red Teaming Resources


We are excited to publish and share several physical red teaming resources with you. Thanks for coming to our talk at Red Team Village @ DEF CON 32! We appreciate you and hope you choose to join us in the physical red teaming community. 


During our talk, we encouraged new learners and practitioners alike to contribute to the profession and help our small community grow and mature. Below is the start of our contribution. Please enjoy responsibly.   

Def Con 32

Red Team Village

View Our Slides

Locks & Leaks

Physical Red Teaming
Articles & Resources


Follow Pine Risk Management
For the latest news, courses, and tools

Mastering the Red Tape of Red Teaming

Hosted by Red Team Alliance


Articles and discussion on
Physical Red Teaming


Physical Red Team Resources

Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned the hard way, from the field to the boardroom. 

Breaking into Red Teaming

A Guide for new Physical Pen Testers

De-Risking the Red Team

Running Safe and Effective Engagements


Updated Monthly with Physical Red Team Resources, Job Descriptions, and More. 

Letter of Authorization

LoA Guides and Templates for Physical Red Teamers. 

Threat Modeling

Describe your threat and create compelling graphics pre-made templates.

Get In Touch

13 + 7 =

2443 Fillmore Street, #115
sAn Francisco, CA 94115
+1 628-777-7475